Collection: Japanese Curated Collection
The history of green tea in Japan began when envoys were sent from Japan to mainland China to learn more about Chinese culture and then bring that knowledge back to the emperor of Japan.
Cultivation of Chinese tea began during the reign of Emperor Saga during the 9th century, but at that time green tea was only available and enjoyed by the royal class and Buddhist monks.
During the 12th century green tea became popular amongst the gentry. At that time all tea was processed into bricks of powdered tea that was then reconstituted using hot water. Propagation in Kyoto, is said to have begun around mid-13th century, and this paved the way for many of the characteristics associated with modern Japanese green tea.
Sencha (boiled tea leaves) specifically, was developed in the 18th century and led directly to the distinctive qualities associated with modern day Japanese style green teas. The process of steaming, rolling, then drying green tea leaves has become ubiquitous in traditional methods used to produce the very finest Japanese teas.